Can you treat multiple symptoms at once with Acupuncture?

November 19th, 2010

Yes. Your completed health history will provide an accurate indication of what patterns exist in your body. Acupuncture is a holistic medicine, which means that everything is connected and your whole body is addressed, not just your chief complaint.

Acupuncture, How Long Does it Take to See Improvement ?

November 19th, 2010

It depends on the condition and how long you have had it. Acupuncture has a cumulative effect. For example, after the first treatment, the pain may be 50% eliminated; after the second treatment, 80% eliminated; after the third treatment, 100% eliminated. You many need only one treatment for an acute condition. Many chronic problems may […]

What is Chinese Medicine & how does it work?

November 19th, 2010

Acupuncture is part of a 3000 year old, Chinese-based, medical system which works with the body’s energy, called qi (pronounced chi). Qi is the the vital life force which flows throughout out bodies. When we have pain, disease, discomfort, or any type of symptom, it means that our body’s qi has become stagnant or blocked. […]

Does Acupuncture really work?

November 19th, 2010

Yes. Acupuncture does work. Scientific studies have proven that acupuncture works. Presently there are five prevailing theories: 1. Acupuncture enhances the immune system. Post acupuncture blood draws have revealed an increase in levels of white blood cell counts, specific hormones, prostaglandins, gamma globulins, and overall anti-body levels. This is beneficial for everyone and explains how […]
